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Monday 1 April 2013

Six Ways to Use Gamification to Improve Employee Engagement in an Enterprise

Gamification is one of the hottest topics in the current UX trends. It is a great way to build a community around a product, platform or service. It helps to retain more users by allowing them to compete and enhance their experience. Gamifying influences the users’ behavior positively.

Gamify your Enterprise

Enterprises are the places which are in need of positive user behavior. A recent study says 85% of HR executives state the greatest challenge they face in managing the workforce is their inability to recruit and retain employees. To overcome such challenges, follow the below gamification ways to improve employee retention in an organization:

·         Attract – Provide an effective prize such as featuring of winners on the home page of the employee portal, at the end of attractive knowledge based contests. This will attract more employees to contribute to the knowledge space.
·         Engage – Host contests or exhibition that are open only to specific groups within the organization, on the employee portal. This creates a healthy platform for innovation and engages all participants.
·         Reward – Add gamification mechanics such as badges, accomplishments to motivate employees to engage more with the platform or a product. This increases both direct employee engagement and retention.
·         Encourage – Allow employees to embed their badges on their websites and social media channels.
·         Recognize – Link employee engagement portal activities with employee appraisal cycle. This will enable managers to recognize the employee activities and thereby rewarding them at right times.
·         Promote as thought leaders – Create leaderboards, competitions and group features. Provide a dedicated space for thought leader’s blogs. This will motivate all employees to reach such thought leadership level.

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